Wednesday, 18 January 2012

Illegal uploading of The Tribe Series on youtube..

Cloud 9 or TTO (The tribe Official) as it's known on facebook has had a lot of trouble of late with people illegally uploading the whole episodes/series on YouTube. at first cloud 9 wasn't aware of this happening but now do.

Now you may think "WHAT'S THE DEAL!"  and  also say "THEY BEEN UP THERE FOR AGES !" well it is a big deal because you are actually breaking copyright laws which could land you in jail. or face a very very big fine or both and also the Tribe series doesn't belong too you. and what else you don't seem too realize is that it makes it hard for Cloud 9 to get the series  re-released on DVD which in turn the countries that never saw the series on DVD miss out and Major DVD distributors frown on that type of thing especially when it on places such as YouTube.

So let me leave to you with this thought..if you made a TV series and which has a cult following and you a trying too get it re-released on DVD and in which you hear  that you couldn't get it re-released because it been Illegally Uploaded by people without your permission too do would you feel?

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